An investor education and awareness initiative by Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund
Selecting the right fund for SIP

Decided on investing through SIP? And have a fair idea of the type of fund that you want to invest in? But wondering which ones to invest in? After all there are hundreds of mutual funds schemes within each type. Let us simplify it for you.

Since you have decided to invest through SIP, you already have a short or medium or long-term (or a combination) goal in mind.

Depending on your risk appetite, you’d have also chosen the most appropriate fund type to achieve your goal.

Now comes the crucial task of choosing the right fund. Keep in mind that for a SIP to be effective, you will need to stay invested for at least 3-5 years. At this stage, the more you research, the better.

So, what do you look for in a fund?

Let’s break it down into a few, simple steps:

  • List down your financial goals
  • If required, consult a Financial Advisor. Then determine the investment horizon as short, medium, or long term.
  • Choose the type of fund based on your specific investment horizon and risk appetite.
  • Based on the goals and risk appetite, the advisor will guide you with the appropriate fund selection.
  • If you don’t have an advisor, you can research online for the most suitable mutual fund schemes that offer what you need.

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