Equity Markets

We present a summary of changes in key Indian & Global equity indices.

Duration Nifty 50 Nifty Midcap 100 Nifty Small Cap 100 Dow Jones Indus. Avg S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
1 Month -3.5% -1.7% -2.5% -4.2% -5.9% -8.7%
1 Year 4.3% 3.5% -13.8% -8.8% -19.4% -33.1%

Source: Bloomberg; Data as on December 31st, 2022

CY2022 – The Year gone by

The year 2022 has been an entire bag of surprises. The bulls and the bears caught unaware way down and the ferocious way up.

In retrospect, the Fed rate hike of more than 400bps, the never-ending Russia -Ukraine war, and the ongoing political and economic slugfest have made us believe India would have an extremely tough ride the past year. Well, the Santa rally for India had begun since July, and we saw a turn of FII flows leading to a near 20%+ rally from Nifty lows on June 22. The reasons range from the resilience of Indian consumers to the TINA factor that plagues the world.

Fundamental, Sentiments and Liquidity: Key Variables 

  • Fundamentals:PLI policy reforms to target global sourcing, Need for China +1, Favourable demography, Improving fiscal led by tax compliance and spending discipline
  • Sentiments:Visible road map of moving towards 3rd largest economy in the next 4-5 years)
  • Liquidity:Active participation by domestic investors along with global strategic investors that offset the FPI outflows.

While fundamentals create the base for long-term returns, liquidity matters for short-term performance. 

Month gone by

Globally the “Santa (Dec) rally” for risk assets failed on the US Fed’s rate guidance of higher for longer on equities. Global financial markets are gradually adjusting to the US Fed’s hawkish messaging on the economy and inflation. Before the December Fed meeting outcome, not many market participants were anticipating 12 months of no rate cut by the US Fed. Inflation is yet to settle down to a more straightforward trajectory. Re-opening the Chinese economy offers some hope for supply but also creates domestic demand and a revival of demand for global commodities & hence prices of these commodities. A policy surprise for the month came from the Bank of Japan by raising the yield curve range from (+/-)25 bps to (+/-)50 bps, and This led to a sharp jump in Japanese bond yields and appreciation in JPY. Over the past 15-20 years, Japan has been a significant ‘financier’ of the global economy & financial markets as ‘carry trade’ emanated from low rates. Any increase in Japanese bond yields would reduce this ‘carry trade’ attractiveness and volatility in global markets.

Indian markets, too, closed negative for the month. Sector, Metals, Financials (led by Banks) & FMCG outperformed, while IT, Auto, Pharma & Energy underperformed Nifty. Globally, Metals rallied on the expectations that China will stick to its guidance of easing the covid restrictions from January.

Looking from a yearly perspective

Looking Ahead

India continues to remain in a sweet spot as a bottom-up stock idea over the medium to long term. The near-term directions are likely to be driven by investors' asset allocation adjustment vis a vis new monetary policy norms of higher for more extended, relative country valuations and India's domestic policy action in the run-up towards elections.

As global central banks are signalling a higher rate environment for a longer time, hopes of a rate cut in CY23 have softened. The past decade of ultra-low rates created a preference for risk assets like equities for investors (choice over dent) and speculators (cheap cost of leverage). We need to monitor whether a new environment of higher rates can lead to a change in investor behaviour on either front. Any shift in asset allocation globally, as well as domestically, can influence markets.

Indian equities are at a marginal premium to the long-term average, in line with growth expectations. This may resonate with reforms led by PLI & tax compliance, favourable demography and healthy balance sheets (government, corporates & household). However, from a relative outperformance potential, an eye on the valuations vis a vis the global equity markets matter. Indian markets are trading at a substantial premium to other markets. Hence, from a worldwide investor perspective, risk-reward in India may look weaker than it was a year ago. This is significant as global expectations are moving towards the potential re-opening of the Chinese economy. Any surge in growth there can attract more flows towards China and other markets connected with the Chinese economy.

Indian policy environment needs to be monitored for policy actions in CY23, ahead of the state & union elections in the next 12-18 months. While the long-term direction of the reformist agenda is not likely to change much, near-term populist policies can offer attractive opportunities as an incremental flow of money may create a new set of beneficiaries, more in rural & infrastructure areas.

As usual, the economy and financial markets offer multiple data points to navigate in the short term; the Union budget and US Fed & RBI meet in early February, global commodity prices post China re-open and Q3FY23 result season for Indian corporates. The result season may likely remain soft, as seen by GST collection trends and weaker H2FY23 GDP growth expectations.

Scheme Strategy - Equity Schemes
  • Mahindra Manulife Multi Cap Badhat Yojana
  • Mahindra Manulife Mid Cap Unnati Yojana
    • This scheme would aim to invest in companies that demonstrate higher earnings growth outlook , potential of rerating  or sectoral leadership position which can take advantage of the India’s growth story. The portfolio will invest predominantly in mid-cap stocks (>65%) apart from some exposure to small and large-cap stocks. The portfolio will have a mix of top-down and bottom-up approach to investing.
  • Mahindra Manulife ELSS Kar Bachat Yojana
    • The portfolio has allocation to stocks across market capitalization and may focus on companies that have the power to take advantage of the opportunities the economy offers. The stocks in the portfolio are likely to have a superior product line, manageable debt and leadership in their respective sectors.
  • Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Yojana
    • The Scheme follows top down sector allocation and bottom up stock selection ideas that may benefit based on health of economy. Allocation across marketcaps is a function of economic outlook, domestic liquidity and stage of market cycle. Focus will be on high quality, growth focussed companies available at reasonable valuations.
  • Mahindra Manulife Rural Bharat and Consumption Yojana
    • The portfolio is a concentrated portfolio and aims to have a rural bias and look for opportunities in rural consumption, rural infrastructure and rural lending.
  • Mahindra Manulife Large Cap Pragati Yojana
    • The portfolio is a concentrated portfolio with a top-down approach adopted to identify sectors with potential across different periods based on emerging macro trends. In addition, a bottom-up stock selection would also be followed, to identify companies with earnings growth potential, strong balance sheet and good governance.
  • Mahindra Manulife Top 250 Nivesh Yojana
    • The scheme focusses on investing in companies that have demonstrated strong leadership and sustained growth and continue to do so. The portfolio currently has around 53%,38% and 5% of net equity holdings in large, mid and small cap respectively.
  • Mahindra Manulife Focused Equity Yojana

      The Scheme focuses on maintaining an appropriate diversified portfolio of companies with a medium term perspective. The Scheme follows a top down approach to select sectors and a bottom up approach to pick stocks across the sectors based on the quality of business model and quality of management. Quality of business model and quality of management will be assessed by evaluating past track record and/or future outlook. The selection of companies will be guided by a combination of one or more factors like:

      1. Growth opportunities
      2. Cash flows generated and ability to finance the growth.
      3. Management quality to deliver the growth.
Scheme Specific Strategies for Hybrid Schemes
  • Mahindra Manulife Equity Savings Fund


    • Portfolio composition would have preference for growth style of investing.
    • Bottom-up approach would be adopted to identify companies that have ability to scale up, gain market share and/or are present in sunrise/high growth sectors.
  • Mahindra Manulife Hybrid Equity Nivesh Yojana


    • Macro theme of the portfolio will be to identify the status of economy and invest in sectors with potential to outperform.
    • Portfolio composition would have preference for companies with potential for earnings upgrade and possible valuation upgrades as well.


    • The Modified duration of the portfolio is around 2.61 years for the debt portion.
    • The scheme now has a larger allocation to gilts than credits and may maintain this stance in the near future.
  • Mahindra Manulife Balanced Advantage Yojana


    • Portfolio composition may have preference for growth style of investing with large cap bias.
    • Bottom-up approach would be adopted to identify companies that have ability to scale up, gain market share and/or are present in sunrise/high growth sectors.


    • The Modified duration of the portfolio is around 2.11 years for the debt portion.
    • The duration is built through exposure in 10-year/5-year Gilt.
Debt Markets

It is that time of the year when you sit down and think through on the year gone by; humbled , surprised , bewildered…a potpourri of emotions engulfs: the mind moves into a state of Ruminations.

We pen down some thoughts on the past year; and attempt to look ahead!.

The Year Gone By:
  • Humility:
  • "We understand better how little we understand about inflation.": coming from the US Fed Governor, Jerome Powell it could easily have passed of as the quote of the year . Yet in those words rings the hints of humility.

  • We Got it wrong:
  • Source: Bloomberg; Data as on December 31st, 2022.

    The above chart shows the Fed Dot plot: the dots represent what the US FOMC members target for the Fed Fund rates on December 2022, on different FOMC meeting dates . On December 15, 2021, most of the FOMC participants expected the target Fed fund rates on December 2022 to be around 1 % . The Fed Fund rates ended the calendar year at a range of 4.25% to 4.50% . A miss of around 350 basis points! Humbling again!

  • Not for the faint hearted
  • The trader of the year, for us, was the Yen currency trader. The USD Yen saw a movement from a high of around 113 to an almost all time low of 150 in October 2022 , before settling at 131 for the year . And if you are a currency buff; the 150 on the Yen was last seen in 1990.

  • The Conundrum
  • The Rupee had one of its worst performances against a bunch of currencies as it depreciated around 11 % against the USD and was amongst the weakest currency in Asia on a nominal basis.

    There is a measure for currency performance called the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate ) which also takes into account inflation of the other economies . Turns out that on available REER indices , the Rupee INR has remained quite stable !

    The Conundrum of comparing Nominal versus Real continues!

  • The Local Boy – India 10 year Gilt
  • The New Calendar year of 2022 started at around 6.50% : low , benign and comfortable . In June 2022 , 6 months into the year the 10 year moved up to a high of 7.60%.

    Could we ever fathom that? The Mind thinks linearly; the markets don’t!

  • Quo Vadis- What Next
  • The usual caveats to forecasting: our investment process thinks in terms of probabilities and not in terms certainties.

  • "Trends that can’t continue, won’t"
  • Herbert Stein had famously expressed "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop".
    We look at some trends which "may not go on forever"

  • The Inverted US sovereign yield curve
  • The Current US yield curve is inverted: the 2 year around 4.43% and the 10 year around 3.87% . Its been almost 6 months the US yield curve assumed the inverted /flat structure. This represents an extreme outlier; a 5 percentile event occurrence over Five decades ..this inversion may not go on forever

  • Global Central Bankers action
  • 2022 was a year of Global Central Bankers on an increasing rate spree . 2023 could be a slowing down process, of possible pause and reflection.

  • Oil and Commodities: Enfant Terrible
  • Oil and Commodities have been historically a difficult asset to predict. As China resumes normalcy, and with metal inventories at London Metal exchange at historic lows, there exists a healthy chance of higher metal prices and crude prices. However, we believe the commodities, including farm commodities and metals should consolidate or move lower through the year, helping a softer inflation bias.

  • The Local Boy again – India 10 year Gilt
  • We always remind ourselves of a fact on market volatility; the median difference between the High and low of the India 10-year gilt (disregarding the direction of the market) for the last 10 years has been close to 75 basis points. As a soft reminder , the difference between the High and Low of the benchmark 10-year Gsec was close to 125 basis points in 2022.

    We believe that the RBI is close to the terminal repo rate policy. And with RBI projecting an inflation of 5 % in June 2023, the probability of the 10-year heading lower exists. Fixed income indices which measure the Gilt returns show that a 5-year monthly returns (XIRR) is around 4% with the average return around 8%. We believe that returns broadly mean reverse and thus there exists a probability of the 10 year to deliver a positive surprise in this calendar year.

And the all important question: What should the Investor Do ?
  • Generally speaking, we believe that investors could move up the Risk continuum. We believe the carry and possibility of a RBI pause merit investments in fixed income funds.
  • We believe that the investors with a shorter time horizon of less than one year may continue investments in ultra-short term and low duration funds. Both funds have a carry of around 7% and look comfortable on a risk adjusted basis.
  • Short term fund category may be suitable for investors looking to stay for a time horizon beyond one year with a lower risk volatility.
  • For a long investment horizon and with a suitable risk appetite, an allocation to Dynamic Bond fund merits attention.
  • The Last word
  • No market participant has the last word in financial markets. There never was one; there never will be one. The ebbs and flows of the market will continue for an Aeon.

    We as market participants seek prudence, humility and equanimity.

    Till then a Happy 2023!

Scheme strategy – Debt Schemes
  • Mahindra Manulife Low Duration Fund
    • The average maturity is around 271.14 days.
    • The YTM of the portfolio is increased to 7.32%.
    • With the view on Gsec possibly offering better opportunities than Bonds, around 30% of duration in this scheme is derived through Gsecs.
    • The scheme may remain skewed in this duration range.
    • Potential Risk Classification (PRC)
      Potential Risk Class Matrix (Maximum risk the Scheme can take)
      Credit Risk Relatively Low (Class A) Moderate (Class B) Relatively High (Class C)
      Interest rate Risk
      Relatively Low (Class I) B-I
      Moderate (Class II)
      RelativelyHigh (Class III)
  • Mahindra Manulife Ultra Short Term Fund
    • The average maturity of the portfolio is around 135.71 days.
    • The scheme is likely to remain in this maturity segment as we move ahead through the next month.
    • The YTM of the portfolio is around 7.15%.
    • Potential Risk Classification (PRC)
      Potential Risk Class Matrix (Maximum risk the Scheme can take)
      Credit Risk Relatively Low (Class A) Moderate (Class B) Relatively High (Class C)
      Interest rate Risk
      Relatively Low (Class I) B-I
      Moderate (Class II)
      Relatively High (Class III)
  • Mahindra Manulife Liquid Fund
    • The scheme continue to maintain a healthy mix of certificate of deposits and commercial papers.
    • The scheme aims to ensure adequate liquidity, safety and accrual.
    • Potential Risk Classification (PRC)
      Potential Risk Class Matrix (Maximum risk the Scheme can take)
      Credit Risk Relatively Low (Class A) Moderate (Class B) Relatively High (Class C)
      Interest rate Risk
      Relatively Low (Class I) B-I
      Moderate (Class II)
      Relatively High (Class III)
  • Mahindra Manulife Dynamic Bond Yojana
    • The YTM of the portfolio has is around 7.29%.
    • The Modified Duration of the portfolio (MD) is maintained around 3.45 years.
    • The Portfolio largely derives it duration from Gilts as the AAA credit spreads is likely to expand as we move ahead.
    • Potential Risk Classification (PRC)
      Potential Risk Class Matrix (Maximum risk the Scheme can take)
      Credit Risk Relatively Low (Class A) Moderate (Class B) Relatively High (Class C)
      Interest rate Risk
      Relatively Low (Class I)
      Moderate (Class II)
      Relatively High (Class III) B-III
  • Mahindra Manulife Short Term Fund
    • The YTM of the portfolio is around 7.35%.
    • The Modified duration of the portfolio is around 1.93 years and the scheme may keep this duration going ahead.
    • The scheme portfolio continues to have a large allocation towards gilts, accounting for around 50% of the duration as we are wary of the spreads increasing in AAA credits.
    • Potential Risk Classification (PRC)
      Potential Risk Class Matrix (Maximum risk the Scheme can take)
      Credit Risk Relatively Low (Class A) Moderate (Class B) Relatively High (Class C)
      Interest rate Risk
      Relatively Low (Class I)
      Moderate (Class II) B-II
      Relatively High (Class III)
Scheme Name Product Suitability Scheme Riskometer Scheme Benchmark Benchmark Riskometers
Mahindra Manulife Multi Cap Badhat Yojana
(Multi Cap Fund - An open-ended equity scheme investing across large cap,mid cap, small cap stocks)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Medium to Long term capital appreciation.
  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related securities including derivatives.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty 500 Multicap 50:25:25 Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Mid Cap Unnati Yojana
(Mid Cap Fund – An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in mid cap stocks)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation.
  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related securities including derivatives of mid cap companies.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty Midcap 150 TRI
Mahindra Manulife ELSS Kar Bachat Yojana
(An open ended equity linked savings scheme with a statutory lock in of 3 years and tax benefit)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation
  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related securities.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty 500 TRI Index
Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Yojana
(An open ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation.
  • Investment in diversified portfolio of equity & equity related instruments across market capitalization.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty 500 Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Rural Bharat and Consumption Yojana
(An open ended equity scheme following rural india theme)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation.
  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related securities including derivatives of entities engaged in and/or expected to benefit from the growth in rural India.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty India Consumption Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Large Cap Pragati Yojana:
(Large Cap Fund - An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in large cap stocks)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation.
  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related securities including derivatives of large cap companies.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty 100 Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Top 250 Nivesh Yojana
(Large & Mid Cap Fund- An open ended equity scheme investing in both large cap and mid cap stocks)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term wealth creation and income.
  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related securities of large and mid cap companies.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Focused Equity Yojana
(An open ended equity scheme investing in maximum 30 stocks across market caps (I.e Multi Cap))
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation.
  • Investment in equity and equity related instruments in concentrated portfolio of maximum 30 stocks across market capitalziation.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very High risk
NSE 500 Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Equity Savings Fund
(An open ended scheme investing in equity, arbitrage and debt)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation and generation of income.
  • Investment in equity and equity related instruments, arbitrage opportunities and debt and money market instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Moderately high risk
Nifty Equity Savings Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Hybrid Equity Nivesh Yojana
(An open ended hybrid scheme investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital appreciation and generation of income.
  • Investment in equity and equity related instruments and debt and money market instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Very high risk
CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive Index
Mahindra Manulife Balanced Advantage Yojana
(An open ended dynamic asset allocation fund)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Capital Appreciation while generating income over medium to long term.
  • Investments in a dynamically managed portfolio of equity and equity related instruments and debt and money market instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understand that their principal will be at Very high risk
Nifty 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 50: 50 Index TRI
Mahindra Manulife Low Duration Fund
(An open ended low duration debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the Portfolio is between 6 months and 12 months(please refer to page no. 33 of SID). A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Regular Income over short term.
  • Investment in debt and money market instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Moderate risk
CRISIL Low Duration Fund BI Index
Mahindra Manulife Ultra Short Term Fund
(An open ended ultra-short term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the portfolio is between 3 to 6 months(please refer to page no. 31 of SID). A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Regular Income over short term.
  • Investment in a portfolio of short term debt and money market instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understand that their principal will be at Low to Moderate risk
CRISIL Ultra Short Duration Fund BI Index
Mahindra Manulife Liquid Fund
(An open ended liquid scheme. A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Regular income over short term.
  • Investment in money market and debt instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Low to Moderate risk
CRISIL Liquid Fund BI Index
Mahindra Manulife Dynamic Bond Yojana
(An open ended dynamic debt scheme investing across duration. A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • To generate regular returns and capital appreciation through active management of portfolio.
  • Investments in debt & money market instruments across duration.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Moderate risk
CRISIL Dynamic Bond Fund BIII Index
Mahindra Manulife Short Term Fund
(An open ended short term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the portfolio is between 1 year and 3 years(please refer to page no. 36 of SID). A moderate interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
This Product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Income over short to medium term.
  • Investment in debt and money market instruments.
  • Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
Investors understands that their principal will be at Moderate risk
CRISIL Short Duration Fund BII Index

The views expressed here in this document are for general information and reading purpose only and do not constitute any guidelines and recommendations on any course of action to be followed by the reader. No representation or intended to be an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial product or instrument or mutual fund units for the reader. This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. While utmost care has been exercised while preparing this document, Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited (Formerly known as Mahindra Asset Management Company Private Limited) (AMC) does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information and disclaims all liabilities, losses and damages arising out of the use of this information. The data/statistics given in the document are to explain general market trends in the securities market, it should not be construed as any research report/research recommendation. Readers of this document should rely on information /data arising out of their own investigations and advised to seek independent professional advice and arrive at an informed decision before making any investments. Neither Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund, the AMC nor Mahindra Manulife Trustee Private Limited (Formerly known as Mahindra Trustee Company Private Limited) its directors or associates shall be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the information contained herein.


Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.